Grant Program Overview

  1. Grant Program Objectives. SI-BONE, Inc. (the “Company”) may help promote scientific knowledge, medical advancement and the delivery of effective health care through educational grants to fund educational activities, including conferences sponsored by medical societies and specialty medical associations, and conferences sponsored by accredited continuing medical education providers, and research grants for research in areas of interest to the Company. Educational grants will be in support of events and activities with national and international reach and that has the potential to greatly expand awareness of disease states of interest to the company and their diagnosis and surgical treatment. Research grants will be made to support clinical and scientific research on disease states relevant to SI-BONE’s mission and products, and the interventions used to treat them. SI-BONE may provide donations to non-profit entities in the form of financial or in-kind support in order to support bona fide charitable purposes in accordance with its policy and applicable U.S. laws, regulations and industry guidelines.
  2. Areas of Interest. SI-BONE generally favors the following types of grant requests:
    1. Educational conferences sponsored by national, regional, or specialty medical societies or associations that are accredited continuing medical education providers
    2. Educational programs that address and promote disease awareness and therapy awareness, relevant to SI-BONE’s products and the conditions that they treat, including sacroiliac joint dysfunction and other conditions requiring fusion of the sacroiliac joint to promote its immobilization and stabilization
    3. Programs focused on patient-focused public education addressing SI joint dysfunction
    4. Advocacy initiatives that promote appropriate payer coverage, patient-selection policies and safety initiatives applicable to relevant disease states
    5. Clinical evidence development programs in the sacro-pelvic space
    6. Society and other independent, third-party sponsored provider education regarding relevant disease states and surgical therapies
    7. Educational programs for other relevant stakeholders, including policy-makers, payor medical directors and case managers
  3. Example Programs. Typical programs for which SI-BONE has in the past provided financial support include:
    1. Third Party Educational Conferences and Events: The Company provides educational grants to the sponsor of bona fide educational conferences to reduce conference costs, or to allow attendance by medical students, residents, fellows, or others who are HCPs in training and are chosen by the conference organizer, and provided that the organizer adheres to all rules associated with any applicable accreditation of the program (e.g., ACCME, ANCC, etc.)
    2. Advancement of Medical Education: These are grants to support the genuine medical education of medical students, residents, and fellows participating in fellowship programs that are charitable or have an academic affiliation.
    3. Public Education: The Company makes educational grants for the purpose of supporting the education of patients or the public about health care topics of relevance to the Company. The Company may also provide educational grants to sponsor the purchase and distribution of certain medical literature, texts and educational materials. Such grants may only be provided when the Company does not control the content or distribution of such materials and the recipient of the grant is not a health care professional.
    4. Relevant Clinical Research. SI-BONE makes research grants that support clinical and bench scientific research on disease states and therapies of interest to SI-BONE, including SI joint dysfunction, diseases impact the sacro-pelvic anatomy and adult spinal deformity requiring surgical intervention including sacro-pelvic fixation.
  4. Grant Requests.
    1. All requests for educational grants must be independently initiated in writing by the entity that would conduct the educational activity.
    2. All grant requests will be reviewed by a Grant Committee, which will consist of senior SI-BONE executives who are not part of the Company’s Sales and/or Marketing functions.
  5. Approval Procedures. The Company may provide educational grants and research grants, provided the same are not unlawful inducements to purchase SI-BONE products. SI-BONE: (1) applies objective criteria for providing such grants and donations that do not take into account the volume or value of purchases made by, or anticipated from, the recipient; (2) uses appropriate procedures to ensure that grants and donations are not used as unlawful inducements; and (3) ensure that all grants are appropriately documented, reviewed and approved.
  6. Inappropriate Grants.
    1. Educational grants will not be offered or provided with the intent to, directly or indirectly, implicitly or explicitly, influence or encourage the recipient to use, purchase, lease, order, or arrange for or recommend the use, purchase, lease, or order of SI-BONE’s products or as a reward for past such behavior.
    2. Generally, educational grants will not be provided:
      1. To any individual or to defray the expenses of specific individuals;
      2. To any third-party entity at the request of a health care professional; or
      3. To support the acquisition of equipment or provide general operational support for a health care professional.
    3. Educational grants will not be provided to an organization or entity involved in the SI-BONE’s marketing or promotion strategy or to support consulting or other services to SI-BONE.
    4. Educational grants will not be conditioned on any explicit or implicit agreement that a sponsor will use any particular course structure, agenda, course materials, faculty input, or other information created or endorsed by the Company.

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